Friday, April 10, 2009

The Road to Budapest - Day 9

It was an early departure again this morning as we headed for Teplice – it took 3 trains and nearly the whole day to get there, but it was worth it. Teplice is a small village nestled at the base of a popular rock climbing spot. It has been snowing here, so the ground is still quite well covered in snow - the snow up in the mountains is quite deep. We walked along a track through the snow and stopped to have a snowball fight and just have fun stomping around in the deep snow – I was glad to have brought my snow boots with me (some of the snow was over a foot deep). We followed the route leading us along a narrow pathway between large boulders and large rock formations – this area of the path is known as the ‘fridge’. There were ice crystals hanging off rocks and parts of the rocks were totally covered in a layer of ice. Some of the path was quite slippery as the stairs were covered in hardened snow and were quite icy. It was funny trying to negotiate the slippery stairs on the way down – Antonio just slid down on his bottom – it was hilarious!! Gail was a bit freaked out and she was scared that she would fall over the side and land in a pile of snow that she would disappear into! Eventually we all got back down – all in one piece and no bruises. We climbed 300 steps up a series of ladders to get a mountain top view over the valley – it was very pretty.

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