Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Update to the world

Hi everyone again - I am now in La Rochelle, France. It is a coastal city that flurished from sea trade back in the day. I have to mention now that I may not get to right that much, as the keyboards in France are very different, and I really need to concentrate on where the letters and punctuation are.

Paris was a magical city, with crazy drivers and late nights. The traffice is caotic and there seem to be no road rules, well none that the people abide by. Bicycles and scooters are a very popular way to travel in Pzris, probably because there is nowhere to park - they bumper park here, it is hillarious to watch. The sun doesn't go down until around 10pm, so there are stores open, people busking, street parties and just noise from people out and about. They really take advantage of the summer nights. The stores don't open until 10 or 11 in the morning, so they all must be recovering from the previous night. The city streets are quite horrible though, they stink and are dirty, and have many beggers on them, but once I looked past that - the city is wonderful.

I have met some great people on my tour - most of us are Aussies !!! I have teamed up with one chick (an Aussie) and we have gone to see the sights together. It is great to have someone that I can share my thoughts with and share the experience with, and to have someone to take photos of me also (instead of just scenery or the 'self portrait' style photos'.

The Notre Dame is wonderful building, that has gargoile type figures surrounding the building - the protectors. The Eiffel Tower is just breath-taking, I actually said "oh my God" when I was standing beneath it, it is something that has to be seen to be really taken in. The Louve was tremendous - I spend nearly the whole day there, there are so many beautiful painting and other works of art to see, and art from around the world throughout many centuries.

Our group then ventured south to Tours, where we went on a bike ride for the day going past quaint farm houses and along a river to the Villandry - a Chateau with one of the best gardens in the world. It was beautiful. By the time we got back to the town my butt was ready to fall off - we had been on an uncomfortable bike seat to 4 & 1/2 hours in total!!

Next we ventured down further south to La Rochelle, where I am now and we are staying here tomorrow and then leaving at lunch time th efollowing day. The major cities are great but I am glad to be away from them and to actually see some countryside and markets etc that I can enjoy at a relaxed pace.

It has been hot & humid, but I have been careful to ensure I am 'slip, slop, slapping' so I hqven't really got sunburnt, my arms are actually starting to tan!

I best get going, I just though I would give you all an update of my adventure. I am missing everyone, but everyday is a new experience that I am thouroughly enjoying.

I will update you all again soon.

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