Friday, September 19, 2008

Update from UK

Hi Everyone - I am settling down at my cousins place now and I am getting myself ready to enter the England workforce! The village I am living in is so cute - I love it. It has the village 'necessities' - a few pubs, fish & chip shop, other resturants, hairdresser, pharmacy, post office (worst customer service ever!), grocery store, church & recreation area. The best part is, I can just walk down the road and there it all is - couldn't be more convenient. I have been for a walk and a ride along the canal - it winds its way all the way to Cambridge and beyond, and also goes for miles in the opposite direct (I am yet to venture that way). The canal side is beautiful and peaceful, with many people treking along its path. There are swans, ducks and other wild life; blackberry bushes scattered along the way - locals stopping to pick there share; canal boats mored or slowly making there way down the canal; a 'lock' along the way; some very prestige houses with gloriously manicured gardens leading down to the canal; and so much more.

We visited one the 'CentreParcs' recently - the great british holiday made to cater for all types of weather. The cabins are scattered throughout the forest and the local squirrels, rabbits and deer regularly stop by for a visit. The best for of transport to find your way around the massive grounds is by bicycle, you don't even get too wet in the rain - the trees shelter most pathways. There was also a large tropical indoor heated swimming complex, complete with slides, rapids and outdoor sections to tickle the senses. There was indoor and outdoor sporting areas, rollerskating ring, bowling alley, sports bar & clubhouse. I spoilt myself and visited the Aqua Sana and treated myself to a massage, and then chilled out for the rest of the day. I also felt like a bit of activity, so I joined a Fitball class to get the heart pumping. It is a family orientated park, so there was lots of child friendly areas and events - wee one went to the Teddy Bears Picnic and the Rupert the Bear Show - very exciting for her.

We booked a cheap holiday (by collecting vouchers from the local paper) and will have a choice of visiting similar type parks in Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Isle of Wight and Cornwall area - so I am anxious to find out which area we have been allocated, any of them will be great I am sure.

I am looking forward to exploring more of the UK and after I have worked for a while, I will look at travelling around again. I am going to book another Intrepid trip in March/April - it is called the 'Road to Budapest' if you want to have a peek.

I have added some photos of the village church, canal and Cambridge for you all. I hope you enjoy. (sorry about them being so scattered not sure how to fix :-) )

I am off to pick some Blackberries tomorrow and I think I will make a Blackberry Pie. Mmmm sounds yummy.

Signing off for now.